Carlos Vidal-Meliá » Projects/Contracts

Research grants (From 2006 onwards):

2022-2025 Gobierno Vasco (Spain), “BiRTE (Bilbao Research Team in Economics)” Head of research Aitor Ciarreta-Antuñano. (Basque Country University). Project IT1461-22.

2022-2023 Fundación Mapfre Modelización espacial e intra-anual de la mortalidad en España. Una herramienta automática para el cálculo de productos de vida. Head of research José Manuel Pavía. (University of Valencia).

2019-2020 Gobierno Vasco (Spain), “BiRTE (Bilbao Research Team in Economics)” Head of research Aitor Ciarreta-Antuñano. (Basque Country University). Project ITI 336-19

2019-2020 Gobierno Vasco (Spain), “BiRTE (Bilbao Research Team in Economics)” Head of research Aitor Ciarreta-Antuñano. (Basque Country University). Project ITI 336-19

2019-2020 Generalidad Valenciana (Spain), “El derecho del seguro en la sociedad del bienestar del s.XXI: la persona como elemento central” Head of research Juan Bataller-Grau. (University of Valencia). Project AICO/2019/075

2019-2019 Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain), “El derecho del seguro en la sociedad del bienestar del s.XXI: la persona como elemento central” Head of research Juan Bataller-Grau. (University of Valencia). Project RTI2018-097087-B-I0

2013-2019 The Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness (Spain), “Empirical Finance” Head of research Juan Nave-Pineda. (University of Castilla La Mancha). Project ECO2015-65826-P

2013-2016 The Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness (Spain), “Empirical Finance” Head of research Juan Nave-Pineda. (University of Castilla La Mancha). Project ECO2012-36685

2010-2011 The Ministry of Labour and Inmigration (Spain), “A Proposal for Improving the External and Internal Information of the Spanish Public Pension System” Head of research Carlos Vidal-Meliá.  Project Fipros 2010/27

2010-2013 The Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain), “The Rate of Interest and the Empirical Finance” Head of research Juan Nave-Pineda. (University CEU-San Pablo at Valencia). Project ECO2009-13616

2007 The Valencian Institute for Economic Research (IVIE) and The Swedish Social Security Agency (Försäkringskassan). “The Actuarial Balance as an Indicator of Solvency of the Pay-As-You-Go System” Head of research: Carlos Vidal-Meliá.

2006-2009 The Ministry of Education and Science (Spain), “Financial models and the rate of interest” Head of research: Juan Nave-Pineda. University CEU-San Pablo at Valencia). Project SEJ2006-0505

2006-2007 The Ministry of Labour and Immigration (Spain), “Improving the Equity, and Sustainability of Pay-As-You-Go Pension Systems by means of NDCs” Head of research: Inmaculada Domínguez-Fabián (University of Extremadura).